Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday with music and coffee

Well I am sitting in Starbucks as most decaffeinated Americans are not doing right now. I find it so interesting to people watch as I serf the net. The gentleman next to me just injected himself with insulin, there is a schizophrenic that just asked a newly married couple if he could have their seat and then there are the comer's and goers of the average coffee house. My other half is at work and we live the simple life....apartment, both work full time, insurance, cars, and all of the other things that are apart of the day to day. Recently everyone in my life is having children. Funny enough we aren't one of them. As I inch into my thirties, I am starting to get pains of paternal guilt...if that is what you can call it. Apparently all Americans were not created equal...I am watching how our society takes care of the mentally unstable, the uninsured, and the decaffeinated. A cup of Joe can't fix these concern I have had of late about how difficult it will be for myself and my partner to adopt. There are thousands of children who don't have parents much less good parents. The other day I was at work. A mother of two was shopping for herself. She had one in diapers and the other was under 10yrs old. The mother preceded to shop while her toddler runs out of the store ...Really? She continues to peruse the merchandise under the glass case. She glances over at her other daughter and says " where is she going?" Really? I was furious at this mother who again just kept on shopping with no care to her child's safety at all. I was outraged! Who gave these Americans the right to have children.....? Just because you can do the deed and produce doesn't mean that you deserve to be a parent. Sometimes I think its the parents that should have been aborted. Well until then I will continue to drink my venti unsweetened iced coffee with soy, live my simple life, and wait for equality.

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