Friday, September 11, 2009

Dreaming Bigger.....

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." -Robert H. Goddard

Lately, as I inch closer to 30 yrs. old, I constantly question myself about dreaming bigger. I never thought that dreaming was ridiculous. I encouraged it in myself, my family encouraged it, my friends allowed me to do it. So therefore I dreamt. Fortunately, all of them haven't come true and sometimes I believe that my own pride and stubbornness got in the way. I am at least honest about that fact.
For example, My parents told me that when they were young and newly married, that they wanted 10 children. Well, God only blessed them with 4 sons, I guess they had a dream and through the birth of each of us we became their hope, and now their reality! The Bible says that the sins of the father pass generation to generation. Well, I believe that the dreams of the father and the hope of the mother create the dreams and realities of the children. My parents were the reason that I saw more for myself, because of them I was challenged to seek out happiness. Their words were the words that I heard in the darkest hours of depression and pain. Their words inspired hope in me.
So now even with the mundane repetition of daily life, we must dream higher and faster and greater so that the dreams that have gotten us this far as a person, society, and nation are not lost. Thomas Edison dreamed of a world where we could see at night. His reality was a dream of Ben Franklin's the time he flew his kite!

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